Linking Verb adalah beberapa kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris yang berfungsi sebagaimana be verb atau to be dalam kalimat nominal, yaitu menghubungkan Subject dan Complement (pelengkap) yang menerangkannya, bisa noun complement atau adjective complement. Linking verbs juga dikenal dengan istilah copulas atau copular verbs.
Linking Verbs terdiri dari :
- Berkaitan dengan panca indra (look, sound, smell, feel, taste)
- Berkaitan dengan keadaan (appear, seem, become, grow, turn, prove, remain, keep, stay, go, run).
Contoh penggunaan Linking Verbs dalam kalimat :
- I feel good.
- He keeps quite.
- This room smells bad.
- This food tastes delicious.
- She looks very beautiful.
- The music sounds slow.
- A victory today seems unlikely.
- They remain in the classroom.
- His face turned purple.
- She became older.
- The dogs ran wild.
- The milk has gone sour.
- The crowd grew ugly.
Linking Verbs selalu intransitive (tetapi tidak semua intransitive verbs adalah Linking Verbs).
To be juga disebut linking verbs, seperti pada contoh berikut ini:
- The crew’s mission is to create the best topographic map of Earth.
- The solution was judges who would mete out longer prison sentences.
- Leonardo said, “I am the king of the world.”
Tetapi to be juga tidak selalu berperan sebagai Linking Verbs, contoh:
- Nyoko was crossing a bridge when the earthquake hit.
- Margaret Ann was feeling tired.
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